We work for international companies
doing business in Brazil

BPC Partners

Small Big4

BPC Partners is recognised within the International community based in Brazil, as one of the key specialists in professional services tailored for European, North-American and Asian companies. We are working with many of the Chambers of Commerce based in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, together helping foreign companies understanding the Brazilian business environment.

As the opportunities and challenges we all see get bigger and more complex, we continue to adapt. However, as we evolve as a business, our collective and individual commitment to the BPC Partners Purpose and our Values is what drives everything we do.

Brazil is very far from Europe and North America, very distant from Asia. It’s not just another country, it’s another continent; Brazil is unique. If you try to work in Brazil the way you do in your own country, you will fail. If you try to implement in Brazil what worked in another developing country, you will also fail, because Brazil is unique.


We are ambitious and highly determined to satisfy our clients.
A confiança que nossos clientes, comunidades e nossos colaboradores depositam na BPC Partners, e nossos altos padrões de comportamento ético, são fundamentais em tudo o que fazemos.
As we go about our work it’s important we have a frame of reference for the decisions we make every day. Our Code of Conduct can guides us, no matter where we are or what we do. It's how we do business.


We are ambitious and highly determined to satisfy our clients.
A confiança que nossos clientes, comunidades e nossos colaboradores depositam na BPC Partners, e nossos altos padrões de comportamento ético, são fundamentais em tudo o que fazemos. As we go about our work it’s important we have a frame of reference for the decisions we make every day. Our Code of Conduct can guides us, no matter where we are or what we do. It's how we do business.

"Escolhemos a BPC Partners quando a Deezer chegou ao Brasil no início de 2013 para todo o suporte contábil, fiscal e administrativo. Foi uma ótima escolha.

A BPC Partners tem entregado resultados desde então. Além das contas mensais e dos cálculos fiscais mensais, a BPC Partners nos ajudou com questões fiscais internacionais. Eles são especializados em empresas internacionais, respondem com precisão e respeitam os prazos, e conseguem se comunicar perfeitamente com nossa matriz na Europa, o que diferencia a BPC Partners da maioria das empresas de contabilidade.

Além disso, as taxas são muito inferiores às das Big 4, e com poucos ou nenhum custo adicional durante o ano. Certamente uma das melhores escolhas para empresas Internacionais que fazem negócios no Brasil."

CEO da DEEZER Brasil


"Escolhemos a BPC Partners para nossa Due Diligence estratégica no Brasil: eles entregaram 100%"

CFO do Grupo SWILE


“É um grande alívio ter a BPC Partners à disposição para apoiar”

O diretor financeiro da COORTE


“Excellent services, professional and proactive”

CFO of SHOPEE Brazil


"Acima das expectativas"



Watch this vídeo on Brazil economy

A contabilidade no Brasil

We work for international companies doing business in Brazil

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We work for international companies doing business in Brazil

Our book contains practical techniques such as methods of calculation of taxes, be they federal, state or local, or information on employer costs and Social Security contribution; and much more

This book is available on AMAZON. You can also get a free digital copy on this website

Corporate Presentation

Visualize e baixe nossa Apresentação Corporativa de 2023.

Consultoria financeira, especializada em empresas no Brasil

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Executivos estrangeiros com negócios no Brasil

rapidamente gind que o ambiente de negócios

é muito difícil – para dizer o mínimo

Executivos estrangeiros fazendo
negócios no Brasil rapidamente
gind que o negócio
o ambiente é bastante desafiador
- para dizer o mínimo

Notícias importantes de Brasil

Economic updates that impact the tax system