Small Big 4
Small Big 4
BPO for international companies
operating in Brazil

Livro BPC
A contabilidade no Brasil
Small Big 4
BPC Partners is a Small Big 4, but what does this mean?
All of the Big 4 firms originate from the accounting industry – in fact, they are usually referred to as “Big 4 accounting firms”. They dominate the market – as of 2023, 497 of the S&P 500 firms are audited by one of these firms – an astounding collective market share of 99%. However, the Big 4 wasn’t always the Big 4 – for most of the 20th century, the accounting industry was dominated by the “Big 8” firms – Deloitte Haskins & Sells, Touche Ross, Ernst & Whinney, Arthur Young, Peat Marwick Mitchell, Price Waterhouse, Coopers & Lybrand, and Arthur Andersen. As you may have guessed from the names, numerous mergers reduced the Big 8 to Big 5: Arthur Andersen, Deloitte & Touche, Ernst & Young, KPMG), and PricewaterhouseCoopers. And then in 2002, with the Enron scandal, Arthur Andersen met its demise and its practices were split between the remaining firms, now called “the Big 4”.
A BPC Partners é uma "Small Big 4" por variados motivos:
- We compete with the best players to deliver the quality our clients deserve.
- Possuímos um forte domínio das Normas Internacionais, pois nossos clientes são Grupos Internacionais que precisam aplica-las;
- BPC Partners has partners (and staff) coming from the Big 4, mainly from PWC, KPMG, Grant Thornton, BDO, Mazars, and E&Y.
- A BPC Partners é verdadeiramente internacional, com sócios vindos do Brasil, EUA, Alemanha e França;
- A BPC Partners tem clientes de todos os continentes, principalmente na Europa, América do Norte e Ásia, como também na América do Sul, Oceania e África.
- We offer a bespoke set of services such as Legal Representation, BPO & EOR services, Due Diligence, Audit, Financial Consulting, Central Bank compliance and FOREX.
Executivos estrangeiros com negócios no Brasil
rapidamente gind que o ambiente de negócios
é muito difícil – para dizer o mínimo