Accounting, Payroll and Taxes in Brazil


Production of monthly Financial Statements, according to the Brazilian standards and possibly the IFRS (only a very limited number of companies must apply IFRS in Brazil, however if you have significant operations in Brazil, you will apply IFRS to your local company).

Tax statements

Regardless of your company’s activity, you will need to issue various monthly tax statements. Federal taxes and ICMS are subject to monthly disclosures, failing to do so is sanctioned by fines. BPC Partners will take on that responsibility.

Tax calculation (monthly, quarterly and yearly)

You should expect to pay Federal taxes (PIS, COFINS, IPI, IRPJ, CSLL and IOF) and local taxes (mainly ICMS and ISS) every month. BPC Partners will calculate taxes and explain them.

Tax support, information and alerts

Brazil is ranked among the top 10 most difficult tax systems. The first and most important tax decision you will make is selecting the correct tax regime (Real, Presumido or Simples). BPC Partners can help you with that.

Payroll management

On top of issuing payment slips, calculating social charges and withholding income tax, BPC Partners will organize the hiring of new employees. In addition, we help in selecting the most tax efficient legal form of paying employees and managers (CLT contract, Pro-labore, legal entity etc.)

Preparation of official periodic accounts

The law requires the electronic filing of all accounting entries through a system called SPED. In addition, a yearly General Assembly within four months of the closing date is required.

Reporting through your Group template in English

Our staff can transform Brazilian accounts into your Group template, in English, and add some comments. When the local CEO wants to save time to focus on developing the business, we take on the responsibility. Numbers are verified and controlled on a monthly basis.

Filing necessary information and records with the local and federal authorities

Among other things, financial statements and general ledgers will be signed by a qualified accountant and filed with the authorities.