International Finance

Forex and compliance with Central Bank in Brazil

Opening Message from the Management

Pay attention to the Corporate Income Tax (CIT) regime of your Brazilian entity.. Every year, in January, you can decide which CIT regime you will apply: REAL or PRESUMIDO. The impact on your annual result can be very significant.

Book BPC
Accounting in Brazil


Our expertise and experience in the area of international finance is a crucial part of BPCs overall value proposition. We provide technical and strategic support at each stage of the FDI process for the following:

  • RDE-IDE – foreign direct investment (capitalization)
  • RDE-ROF – foreign loans


Our financial services are built on long-standing relationships with the best and most trusted commercial banking and finance partners in Brazil which gives us all of the tools and power necessary to offer the most competitive rates for all foreign-exchange transactions (câmbio) necessary for all companies doing cross-border business to and from Brazil.


Accessing credit is extremely difficult in Brazil even for well-established companies – and even then the big retail banks will normally dictate terms that are onerous at best. If you require access to credit our knowledge and relationships within the credit market can connect you to the most reliable and reasonable players here in Brazil.


Before you decide what to do with any built up deposits we can help you optimize the returns. Relying on the big retail banks will ensure your money is inefficiently managed and guarantee some of the worst returns in Brazil. Our knowledge and expertise of the local financial markets can help steer you to the best and most sophisticated investment platforms offering the best and safest investment instruments that will guarantee you the highest returns available while your money is parked.

Financial advisory specialized in companies in Brazil

Foreign executives doing business in Brazil

quickly gind out that the business environment

is quite challenging – to say the least

Foreign executives doing
business in Brazil quickly
gind out that the business
environment is quite challenging
- to say the least
