We area a middle sized international Group with a subsidiary in Brazil. We are working with BPC Partners since early 2017; prior to that, we tried other offices without satisfactory results.
Indeed, we were firstly looking for a real partner which could properly do all the necessary and mandatory Brazillian accounting and administrative tasks for our subsidiary. We were also looking for a local specialist who could quickly and easily explain and solve accounting, tax and payroll issues; for this we were ready to pay higher fees.
BPC Partners has delivered since the very beginning. Reactive, proactive, fast and rigorous replies to our doubts, the service has been above expectations. And, the icing on the cake, BPC Partners has identified tax savings: we area now saving more than R$ 20.000 a month!
Seit 2015 arbeiten wir mit BPC Partners zusammen.
BPC Partners nimmt für uns die monatlichen wiederkehrenden, buchhalterischen Aufgaben des Rechnungswesens in Sao Paulo war. Unter anderem unterstützt uns BPC Partners bei der Durchführung des Zahlungsverkehrs sowie der Ermittlung der dabei anfallenden kommunalen, nationalen und internationalen Steuern und Abgaden. Darüber hinaus beraten sie uns, bei diversen im täglichen Geschäftsleben anfallenden Angelegenheiten.
In proaktiver Form unterbreitet uns das Team von BPC Partners Lösungen zur Reduzierung von Abgaben und Steuern, sowie für die Abwicklung von internationalen Transaktionen.
Begünstigt durch die europäischen Wurzeln von Teilen der Belegschaft, kann das Team gezielt auf die speziellen Wünsche und Sorgen internationaler Firmen eingehen, Die profunden Antworten werden stets exakt und termingerecht gegeben und entsprechen auch den Vorstellungen der Gesellschaft in Deutschland.
Das, für den Service angebotene Honorar ist komplett und klar strukturiert. Die Preise sind fair.
Das junge und dynamische, international aufgestellte Team von Wirtschaftsfachleuten konnte uns auch menschlich überzeugen.
Für uns hat sich BPC Partners als wahrer Partner erwiesen.
We selected BPC Partners when Deezer arrived in Brazil in early 2013 for all accounting, taxes and administrative support. This was a great choice.
BPC Partners已经为我们提供了四年的服务。除了每月账务和税务计算外,BPC Partners还帮助我们解决了国际税务问题。他们专注于国际公司,回复精准,严格遵守截止日期,并能与我们在欧洲的总部进行完美沟通,这使得BPC Partners与大多数会计公司有所不同。
On top of that the fess are very much below those of the Big 4, and with no or very few extra fess during the year. Certainly one of the best choice for Western companies doing business in Brazil.
Corporate Presentation
The BPC Partners Official Presentation for 2020 is available online. Know more
Transparency International
We’re committed to observing the laws and regulations fighting against corruption, and fully adhere to the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA).
Foreign executives doing business in Brazil quickly find out that the business environment is quite challenging – to say the least.
Brazil is ranked 124th
on the Ease-of-Doing-Business index and has the most complex tax system in the world.
Bureaucracy, taxes, accounting requirements, labor regulations, and the culture gap are just some of the obstacles foreign companies face.
BPC Partners was born from this difficult business world – foreigners living in
Brazil that decided to team up with Brazilian professionals who have international experience, to offer specialized services tailored for companies doing business in Brazil
That’s the DNA of BPC Partners.